Due Diligence requirements are changing as fast as the world around us and an organization’s internal due diligence processes must change to stay ahead of the curve.

When information is truly essential when reach and connectivity are completely global when business opportunities are infinite, and when a whole new set of impossibilities are not only possible but happening, what effect will this have on an organization’s due diligence requirements?

Country-to-country, i-fact@nalysis investigators face baffling new circumstances. Day by day, they find themselves in markets where information is scarce, where reporting standards vary, where the information in one country is reported differently than in another, and where documentation is not just hard to find, but tough to interpret. The stakes are high, therefore investigative due diligence, if it’s to stand up to regulatory scrutiny, must be handled by trained, qualified, and credentialed investigators —like those at i-fact@nalysis.

i-fact@nalysis’s management team has 4 decades of experience in developing proprietary domestic and international due diligence research methodologies that provide clients with the information and human intelligence they need to make informed business decisions.

Globalization has blended the markets into a world economy:

    • Organizations and financial institutions face mounting regulatory and compliance oversight from the U.S and foreign governments.
    • The majority of reported FCPA enforcement actions involve bribes through intermediaries.
    • The globalization of markets has increased the need for corporations to expand into high-risk countries – elevating the risk of litigation, financial loss, and reputational harm.
    • The risk associated with engaging a foreign or third-party business partner, customer, vendor or agent mandates proper due diligence screening.

i-fact@nalysis’s global platform is supported by a local market presence that has strategically positioned the company to offer a comprehensive suite of due diligence solutions. Our suite of due diligence solutions incorporates technology with a highly experienced staff of international research analysts and intelligence specialists to collect and cull through the vast volumes of publicly available electronic information.

Every due diligence assignment is managed by a highly credentialed i-fact@nalysis’s Managing Director that has a minimum of 20 years of domestic and international experience.

i-fact@nalysis’s due diligence solutions balance the experience of research analysts, intelligence specialists, global sources and senior-level investigative management personnel to ensure there is a human intelligence component in our process. Access to human intelligence becomes even more critical to the due diligence process in foreign and third world countries where available public and proprietary databases are poor, at best, and in some instances non-existent.

Our process is based on the concept that the quality and accuracy of the information uncovered in a due diligence investigation is directly related to the experience and training of the researcher.

Our unique ability to conduct basic screening or complex multi-border sophisticated due diligence investigations internally, from inception to fruition maintains the confidentiality and integrity of the process.

There is an inherent risk in financial transactions related to an acquisition, merger, joint venture, IPO or other opportunities involving a significant capital investment. When factoring in the complexities of investment opportunities in foreign and emerging markets, such as Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East - the risk grows exponentially.

As investors and deal-makers put their capital to work they increasingly rely on i-fact@nalysis’s comprehensive investigative due diligence solutions to provide them with all the facts before inking a deal. Our clients realize the important role of properly executed investigative due diligence plays in the deal-making process. In today’s fast-paced global economy conducting investigative due diligence is a key component in mitigating the ever-increasing risks to shareholders and investors.

i-fact@nalysis’s investigative due diligence solutions have helped Fortune 500 companies verify information, uncover discrepancies, misrepresentations and nondisclosure of material facts, ethical issues involving senior management, conflicts of interest, adverse litigation, overstatements and unrevealed facts.

i-fact@nalysis’s managing directors have an average of 20 plus years of experiencing in conducting in-depth, multi-jurisdictional and complex due diligence investigations for companies and financial institutions.

i-fact@nalysis’s multi-disciplinary approach utilizes state-of-the-art technology, a sophisticated network of domestic and international sources, proprietary databases and government-sponsored repositories in the collection, collation, and analysis of publicly available and open-source information. Our multi-cultural investigative management team of former law enforcement, military, private sector, and computer forensic specialists manage all aspects of the investigative due diligence process.

i-fact@nalysis has provided investigative due diligence services in over 100 countries through our global network of strategically located offices.

A more rigorous in-depth Enhanced Due Diligence is required when “Red Flags” surface during an investigation of an existing and/or prospective high-risk customer or business partner.

We enable clients to make well-informed decisions through our multi-tiered approach to information gathering and analysis. i-fact@nalysis’s Enhanced Due Diligence solutions uncover and analyze critical risk-related information and intelligence wherever the need exists.

  • Level I – Elevated Business Risk Assessment
  • Level II - Comprehensive Business Risk Assessment

i-fact@nalysis offers a wide spectrum of data analysis methodologies, technology solutions and human intelligence that are scalable to the client’s immediate needs, are cost-effective and offer an expedited turnaround time. Our solutions meet the regulatory and compliance requirements of AML, BSA, KYC, FCPA and EU Money Laundering Directives, to scrutinize the backgrounds of higher-risk customers and business partners that pose an elevated level of risk, therefore, avoiding potentially severe consequences to our clients.

i-fact@nalysis’s Enhanced Due Diligence solutions incorporate senior management’s involvement in analyzing the information retrieved from government repositories at the local, state and federal level in the U.S. and comparable foreign venues, proprietary and open source databases, global media, Internet research and human intelligence from well-placed sources throughout the world.

We utilize an analytical approach to process and analyze complex data looking for the existence of previous operational trends and current facts to compile an in-depth profile of a company, its principals and related party(s). i-fact@nalysis’s global footprint ensures accurate and time-sensitive information through our established sources from countries where the availability of public and open source information is severely restricted and/or non-existent. In these instances, information on political affiliations, government connections, personal and professional reputation is obtained from industry insiders, informed and other high-level local sources.

i-fact@nalysis’s credentialed management team, highly trained research analysts and intelligence specialists, have the experience, core knowledge and hands-on experience in providing clients with in-depth, cross cultural, unbiased profiles on companies and individuals anywhere in the world.

Mitigating risk requires knowing the background of who you’re conducting business with. Establishing a comprehensive screening program is an essential step in maintaining shareholder value, public image and financial stability.

i-fact@nalysis’s Risk Assessment and Red Flag screening programs are designed to provide a snapshot of a new or existing customer, partner, vendor, third party agent or independent contractor in a timely and cost-effective manner. Our solutions are designed to collect the relevant, up-to-date, domestic and international business and government public records, information from proprietary databases, media outlets and our global network of sources to obtain the facts for clients to make well-informed business decisions.

Businesses need to know the backgrounds of the party(s) they conduct business with to ensure they do not enter into a relationship with unscrupulous, ethically challenged or criminally motivated entities or individuals, which could have damaging ramifications.

A preliminary risk assessment of the party(s) involved in a potential or existing business transaction is crucial in today’s regulatory environment. Our preventative programs satisfy the various FCPA, AML, KYC, CFT, PEP, UK Bribery Act, and similar regulatory requirements. Our analytical analysis is supplemented with human intelligence specialists and research analysts to develop the critical information relating to a party(s) capabilities, business and/or personal history, financial stability, criminal activities, and their propensity for litigation.

Initial Risk Assessments and Red Flag screening programs identify warning signs that elevate the risk of entering into or conducting a business transaction with a particular party(s). Red Flag identification provides the client with an option to conduct a more in-depth due diligence on the party(s) prior to entering into a business relationship or transaction. Our preventative Risk Assessment and Red Flag Screening solutions reinforce the effectiveness of a company’s due diligence process and are tailored to fit an organization’s risk posture and budget.

i-fact@nalysis has designed Red Flag Screening programs for new partners, vendors, customers and agents, and the periodic “Refresher Screening” for existing business relationships.


i-fact@nalysis is strategically positioned to meet the market demand for global due diligence solutions @ competitive price points.
The i-fact@nalysis Advantage:

  • 24/7 global response & senior management hands-on involvement
  • Highly credentialed management team (20+ years experience) – Biographies Posted
  • Global staff of highly trained investigators, research analysts, and intelligence specialists
  • Strategic offices – trusted local sources and knowledge
  • Customized & flexible reporting solutions – litigation ready
  • Built-in controls to ensure timely notification of significant information and/or events
  • Competitive price points

The i-fact@nalysis Difference:

  • We listen to our clients, which allows i-fact@nalysis to customize cost-effective solutions
  • Trust, competence & credibility through credentialed experience & extensive knowledge
  • Whenever and wherever you need us to respond – i-fact@nalysis will be there